Ithaca Aikikai offers sliding scale dues because aikido is for everybody.
We want anybody who wants to train to be able to do so. Please think about how much you can afford, consider paying it forward for someone else if you can, and choose from the three membership options below.
Dues are payable on the first of each month, via Venmo, cash, or check. Keep in mind that dues are not payment for instruction. A dojo is a community, and dues keep the dojo running for all members. Do plan to pay dues promptly, even when you're not planning to be on the mat.
New To Aikido: $275
A discount on three months of dues, and a free training uniform!
Monthly Dues:
Adult Reduced Dues: $75
Adult Sustaining Dues: $100
Adult Generating Dues: $125
Kid Reduced Dues: $30
Kid Sustaining Dues: $50
Kid Generating Dues: $65
Kid + Weapons or Adult Classes Dues: $100
Mat Fee For Visiting Non-Members: $25
All testing adults and kids will be asked to pay an annual membership fee to Birankai North America of $60